Category Archives: Workout Motivation

Terrance is a BEAST!

Terrance is a BEAST!

Every now and then you run across a transformation that you just gotta share! Meet Terrance…this guys has been absolutely rocking P90X and P90X2. However, don’t take my word for it… check out his before and after pics. Terrance is proof that with a little time, hard work, and excellent nutrition your body can do some amazing things!

Way to go bro! You’re a true inspiration to us all.


Terrance’s Story – In his own words

March 15th, 2011 will be a day that sticks out clearly in my memory. Earlier in the winter, I distinctly remember walking into the bathroom, taking one look at myself in the mirror and sitting down and crying over what had become of my body. I was an athlete in high school and college and was always very proud of my physical abilities. Less than two years after college, I found myself a divorced single father struggling to keep his life together while attempting to raise a child. With work, a Master’s degree in Education under way (which I am now on the brink of being done with) a house and a baby, the last thing on my mind was my personal health. I mistakenly thought that I could attend to one need at a time. This was before I learned that physical, mental and emotional health are all connected. I quickly fell out of shape and it seemed like no amount of going to the gym or running was making any difference. It  took me four years of living like that to realize I needed to make a change. There was a day that I distinctly remember, I was playing with my daughter and I had to sit down because I was so out of breath. I decided then that it was time to make some changes My brother had given my the P90X DVDs, and they sat on the self. Until one day, I literally said, that’s it, I am doing this. I started on Monday, March 15th weighing about 230 pounds. I modified  every move. I could only manage about 5 unassisted pull ups. In Chest and Back Tony says “You’ll be doing 20 and even 30 before you know it”. I am able to do more than 160 pull ups in any workout now, and can easily bang out more than 30 at once. I never imagined I would have this body, feel this good, be this athletic at this point in my life. I am a better athlete now, at 29 then I was as a 20-year old college football player. That is all due to Beachbody programs.

I literally feel faster and stronger than I did playing football in college. I never had a body like this, even then. Three rounds of P90X (two of them hybrids with Insanity) and half of a round of X2 and I feel better than I ever have in my life. The confidence that P90X has given me has translated to all aspects of my life. I feel like a better version of my old self and I am trying to share it with anyone who will listen. I recently became a coach and have started to spread the work about these programs.

The greatest gift that I have been able to give my daughter is a healthy, active dad who can play with her until her heart’s content. Beachbody has changed every aspect of my life. In February I became a Coach so that I can share this life-changing experience with others. I also began drinking Shakeology every day as I have learned that it is the fundamental building block to a good diet.
Updated Pics:


Cheat Meals

Cheat Meals

If you’ve done any amount of searching the internet for nutrition tips, then you’ve undoubtedly run across someone, or some website, promoting that you eat at least one cheat meal per week…to keep you “sane.” Eating whatever you want at least one time per week, sounds awesome right? After all, you worked out every day… Continue Reading

Got Time?

Got Time?

Whenever I discuss fitness with people, the following excuses are by far the most common: “I just don’t have the time to workout.” “I’m just too busy with my job.” “When I get home from work, I’m just too tired.” In my opinion, ALL of these are very poor excuses, and it frustrates me a… Continue Reading

Brian SHREDS it!

Brian SHREDS it!

Check out Brian’s P90X transformation! It is absolutely one of the best I have seen, and is a HUGE motivational tool. Brian started with a round of P90X and finished it off with a round of Insanity Asylum. The results are amazing… Brian’s video is a work of art, so please take a minute a… Continue Reading

Chris got RIPPED!

Chris got RIPPED!

Despite all of the amazing transformation stories out there, I still hear a lot of comments that say these “at-home” workouts are far less superior to a regular gym or programs such as CrossFit. This is absolutely ridiculous… and I wanted to share with you a transformation that proves AMAZING results can be accomplished in… Continue Reading

The Pessimists!

The Pessimists!

Getting fit is HARD WORK! Eating super clean is difficult! Working out every day is difficult! Being prepared, and planning ahead is difficult! Everything about getting fit and staying there is difficult! But guess what, in order to meet your goals these aren’t the only problems that you’re going to have to overcome. When I did… Continue Reading

Determining your “WHY”

Determining your “WHY”

Every one of us has a reason for wanting to get into better shape and live a healthier lifestyle. This reason that subconsciously drives us to better ourselves is often referred to as our “WHY.” If you find yourself lacking motivation or struggling to stick with your fitness program, then you need to consider your… Continue Reading

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